Adventurer’s Repose
Coming Midnight, August 9th, 2024
Put on headphones, and enter the Adventurer’s Repose; A tavern situated in the center of a medieval village amidst a land of fantastical creatures, mysterious myths, and ancient legends. Rest your weary eyes whilst you listen as the tavern bards sing, play, and introduce you to their honed art of storytelling through music, banter, and the tales long-told by their forebears.
Written and performed by TheSiegeMachine & Kevin MacLeod. Based on and created for ‘Adventurer’s Repose’. a free game by Preston at
Songs To Get High To…
Released on December 23rd, 2020
Please scroll down to read the Artist’s Statement:
Artist Statement
‘Songs To Get High To…’ is the first of a series of albums specifically curated to enhance the listener’s experience as they embark upon their euphoric adventure, no matter what kind of adventure that may be.
Clarification for an album bearing such a title is obviously needed, therefore, the simplest way to explain how to accurately view such an album’s purpose is twofold:
1. What does ‘Getting High’ mean to you?
2. What does ‘Getting High’ mean to you?
That is indeed the same question twice, and therein lies this album’s purpose.
‘Songs To Get High To…’ is about you and no one else.
The entire album is directed towards you when you are in an elevated state of mind, no matter the catalyst, and intends to bring you through a satisfying musical experience that will pick you up and drop you off, all while retaining your euphoric place in the moment.
Marijuana is becoming ever increasingly legal and socially accepted all over the world, and will ‘fit the bill’ for many when asked ‘What does ‘Getting High’ mean to you?’ and if that’s what you think, you’d be right.
Relaxing with an alcoholic beverage or a cigar on the porch fits the same proverbial bill, and if that’s what you think, you’d be right.
Feeling loved or falling in love brings with it euphoria that is difficult to match in this life, and if that is what you think, you’d be right.
Each of these is ‘Getting High’ in this Artist’s view, with many more situations and states of mind filling the explanatory conversation to the seams with additional examples, but you get the point.
‘Songs To Get High To…’ is all about you and your state of mind.
‘Songs To Get High To…’ is only about you. No one else’s opinion matters whilst taking it in.
Take some time to ‘Get High’ in whatever way you (and only you) see fit, so that you may truly relax in earnest, and feel the euphoria you so rightfully deserve.
Enjoy the album, and don’t ruin it by taking too much, drinking more than you should, smoking around children or people with health conditions, or falling in love with someone who doesn’t know that you love them (and then place all of your affection in a relationship that doesn’t really exist)...
Have fun.
Note: If your version of ‘Getting High’ includes being neglectful to your loved ones, or can be accurately described as ‘abusive’ either towards others or yourself, this album is not for you. Please seek help. You will be welcomed back to listen when you’re in a responsible and healthy place.
Released on September 20th, 2019
Seven songs, each of which explores a different functional aspect of the Limbic System (The part of the brain primarily responsible for emotions, motivations, learning, and memory) through multiple narratives and poems.
Released on February 6th, 2019
A series of songs that all have to do with the end of the world. Have a listen, and if you like them, consider sharing them with people you think might enjoy them!
Pendulum Swinging
Released sometime in 2018… I can’t remember…
A collection of eight songs. each of which stands alone as an independent part of an anthology about Love. I know… Honestly, I was just trying stuff.
Get a Move On
Released September 28th, 2017
This album was designed to be written and produced as quickly as possible, while creating catchy and/or personally meaningful songs without a massive amount of forethought. This method of music creation led to a purely interesting and diverse album that has something for everyone.
An Interesting Weekend
Released June 23rd, 2017
Created for the sake of creating a whole and cohesive album, 'An Interesting Weekend' also saw the birth of the four parts of TheSiegeMachine's psyche: Lenny, Neilson, DyLa, and An Idiot Wearing a Baseball Cap. Each of the animated characters have their own unique way of going about writing/performing the music, and most accurately depicts TheSiegeMachine's mind.
The Bravest Thing
Released November 12th, 2015
This Soundtrack album was specifically created to be used in and complement the documentary 'The Bravest Thing', a documentary about bullying-related suicide in my childhood town. The album was re-released in January of 2017 as a remastered complete edition. The creation of the album was extremely difficult due to my past experiences with being severely bullied, many of which were directly referenced and remembered so as to create accurate musical depictions to portray the reality of bullying.